The usual tactics to boost revenue from property rental is acquiring as many properties as possible. While this may be a valid method for those who are in the property business per se, when it comes to “regular” people…
The truth be told there is really no SAFE investment in real estate, there are however investments with less risk and STNL (Single Tenant Net Leased) properties are a strong leader. A STNL property is typically structured under a triple…
theRRD’s Joe Killinger shares his #protips for increasing your multifamily profits. Raising rents seems like they way to go, but does that mean empty units? Check out this quick vid from Joe on how to go about creating additional revenue.
Many Investors that are starting out seem to think that buying a home and leasing it out is the best way to go. Although there are some advantages in acquiring a Single Family Residence (“SFR”) there are as many disadvantages…
1. Not Having a Business Plan A good investor does not purchase a property without a concise business plan for that property. Investors know how long they plan to hold onto the property. They know what the market rate is…
Because the tenant is the source of the landlord’s income, it’s a landlord’s top priority to keep the quality of living for a tenant high and the cost of living low. If a tenant is uncomfortable or must pay too…