• Frequently Asked Questions

Why theRRD?

Generated instantly online and are accessible 24/7/365

How It Works

All system access is secure, strictly adhering to all of Credit Bureau Guidelines.


Comprehensive product suite with streamlined activity at a more affordable price.

Yes, we offer a special service for part-time landlords and small management companies. Visit our Instant Tenant Screening page for more details.
Click “Forgot Password?” under login box to reset your password. If you have trouble resetting your password on your own, contact your Client Relations Liaison to reset your password for you.
At theRRD we take security very seriously and make every effort to keep consumer information safe. We ask users to change their passwords every 90 days to further safeguard against fraud and identity theft.
1. Login to theRRD.com and click “My Services” tab
2. Under “Tenant Screening” click on the “Quick Application” button
3. Choose property and complete incoming resident’s information
4. Click the “Preview and Run” button
5. After reviewing the information click the “Proceed to Payment button at the bottom of the page
6. Choose what type of report you would like to run (a package or add a la carte products)
7. Enter payment type and application fee amount that you are charging the incoming resident (this is for the property’s records and has not bearing on the report)
8. Click the “Submit” button
9. Return to the “Tenant Screening” tab and refresh the page until a status (pass/alert/warning) appears
1. After submitting a “Tenant Screening” refresh the page until a status (pass/alert/warning) appears. Select the green “View” button
2. Select the gray “Full Report” navigation box
3. Click on the “i” button next to each individual report or scroll to the bottom to select the green “Print” button
4. Please Note: When you have co-applicants you will need to repeat the same process for each incoming resident

The Fair Credit Reporting Act is a federal law that regulates the use and content of credit reports to protect consumer privacy and ensure the accuracy of the information they contain.

The FCRA restricts the information that may be included in a credit report, limits who may request a credit report and how the report may be used, and requires credit reporting agencies and those who use credit reports (such as employers and landlords) to follow specified procedures in dealing with consumers.

Click here to view the FCRA Summary of Rights.


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