theRRD Blog

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How to Handle Problem Tenants

  There are many instances of encounters with a horrible tenant, not all of which result in a court action. Once the lease agreement is signed and keys are exchanged, a landlord or property manager can only hope things go smoothly….


How Property Managers and Multi-Family Employees Can Help Uncover Human Trafficking

by Joe Killinger CEO, Human trafficking is the act of recruiting, harboring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means and transporting for the purpose of exploiting them (United Nations Office on Drugs and…


How Property Managers and Multi-Family Employees Can Help Identify Human Trafficking

Human trafficking may seem like something that only happens in the movies or in “bad areas”. However, this problem is more widespread than many people think. According to 14,500 – 17,500 victims are trafficked to the United States each…


Red Flags to Watch for in Human Trafficking

Bill Bernstein and Laura DeMoss from Mosaic Family Services give a list of red flags to look for in an effort to uncover human trafficking in your community.