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Posts Tagged "contract"

Have a Written Policy - Screening Potential Employees

by Joe Killinger CEO, All companies should have a written document outlining their screening process. This helps prevent legal issues and allows candidates to clearly understand the company’s requirements. The policy should include how the checks are conducted, what…


10 Tips for First Time Multifamily Investors - #9: Implement Community Guidelines

theRRD CEO Joe Killinger and special guest, Commercial Brokers International CEO, George Pino, talk about tips for first time multifamily investors. This is Part 9 of a 10 part series. Part 10 will be available tomorrow. To see the rest…


10 Tips for First Time Multifamily Investors - #8: Have a Written Rental Agreement

theRRD CEO Joe Killinger and special guest, Commercial Brokers International CEO, George Pino, talk about tips for first time multifamily investors. This is Part 8 of a 10 part series. Part 9 will be available tomorrow. To see the rest…


Use a Lease that is Approved in Your State and Be Sure it is Fully Executed by Both Parties