Neighborhood Email Alert System
Missing Persons. Criminal Trespass. On-Property Crime. Suspicious Activity. Neighborhood Crimes.
The RRD's Email Alert System allows law enforcement officers to send property managers, owners and landlords an alert or inquiry, informing you in real time of an issue that requires immediate attention. Registration for law enforcement officers is fast and free! If you are a Community Officer or would like to refer your neighborhood Officer please contact [email protected].
To sign up/learn more
The RRD publishes educational articles for multifamily magazines and Real Estate websites to help Property Managers and Owners improve their properties, in an effort to reduce crime in their communities. The Rent Rite Directory also educates at Crime Watch Meetings, and Crime Free Association Conferences, and works closely with law enforcement nationwide. To book a meeting, or to receive informational materials for an upcoming Crime Watch Meeting, please contact Ryan Cauley at [email protected].